Campaign Aide: Trump Has “Single-handedly Brought Back Freedom Of Speech”
Steve Watson | “We have a full-blown assault on the First Amendment.”
Steve Watson | “We have a full-blown assault on the First Amendment.”
Steve Watson | Crowd Goes Wild.
Steve Watson | “If they don’t fix the race, or they fix it only a little, Trump will win big.”
Steve Watson | Shorts featured Willem Dafoe in a dress and a “gay” marmot.
Steve Watson | “Taxpayers, the U.S. Air Force and the Secret Service are being abused”.
Steve Watson | Again denies knowledge of support from fossil fuel companies.
Steve Watson | “The fight is far from over”.
Steve Watson | Hillary wins with six coin tosses and dodgy hand counts.
Steve Watson | Commanding Debate performance from the Libertarian Senator.
Steve Watson | Words changed so as not to offend Muslims.
Steve Watson | Meanwhile She’s Taking $300K Per Appearance From Goldman Sachs.
Steve Watson | MLK’s “dream” didn’t encompass transgenders.
Steve Watson | MLK’s “dream” didn’t encompass transgenders.
Steve Watson | Witness the mind numbingly cripplingly boring sterility Washington politics projects onto the world.
Steve Watson | Clinton has earned $675,000 From recent Speeches.