“Kill Whites And Cops”: Black Lives Matter Affiliated Radio Show Calls For Race War
Steve Watson | “It’s about to go down, it’s open season on killing white people and crackers.”
Steve Watson | “It’s about to go down, it’s open season on killing white people and crackers.”
Steve Watson | ‘You would have to stick your head in the sand to think this wasn’t fueled by BLM’.
Steve Watson | More than two thirds say shootings are a “mental problem”.
Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson | Another racist attack caught on camera.
Steve Watson | Majority of mass shooters in recent memory passed background checks.
Steve Watson | Who really is the whacked out nut job here?
Steve Watson | Flooding twitter with anti-gun diatribes before bodies are cold.
Progressives Today | At least one positive thing can be said about President Obama.
Steve Watson | One in four Democrats believe Clinton is done.
Steve Watson | StemExpress CEO calls abortion giant “a volume institution”; Laughs about unsanitary conditions of clinics.
Steve Watson | “America is not a theocracy. End forced motherhood.”
Steve Watson | Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-WHAM.
Steve Watson | Rogue government employee abused system as part of a vendetta to get her “too loud” neighbors arrested.
Steve Watson | Lays into immigration policy – “I don’t want to live with walls around my country… like I live inside East Berlin.”
Steve Watson | All but one senator who voted to block defunding have accepted cash from abortion group; Deep ties to media organisations revealed.