Gold Demand Explodes as Volatility and Fear Stalk Market Although the extent to which the surprise move by the Swiss National Bank last week has damaged financial institutions will not be apparent until the end of the month, it is

Bundesbank Announces Repatriation of 120 Tonnes of Gold from Paris and New York Federal Reserve The Bundesbank, Germany’s powerful central bank, announced very publicly this morning the further repatriation of some of it’s gold being held in foreign locations –

Podcast: Play in new window | Download A day after the Swiss National Bank SHOCKED the market by de-pegging the franc from the Euro, causing a 30% move in the CHF Thursday, Jay Taylor joins The Doc & Eric Dubin to break down all of the implications: 

Ukraine Lurches to Full Scale War as Russia Drastically Reduces Gas Supply to EU Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian state energy giant Gazprom to cut natural gas supplies to and through Ukraine to the EU in a little reported

Ukraine Lurches to Full Scale War as Russia Drastically Reduces Gas Supply to EU Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian state energy giant Gazprom to cut natural gas supplies to and through Ukraine to the EU in a little reported

Market Chaos as Swiss Franc Surges 30% In 13 Minutes, Gold Rises Sharply Chaos was seen in financial markets today as participants were thrown a curveball when Switzerland surprised the world by removing its three-year cap on the Swiss franc,