NYC Lawmakers Pushing For “Gentrification Tax”
Bipartisan effort to levy controversial tax
Bipartisan effort to levy controversial tax
Bipartisan effort to levy controversial tax
Fed setting economy up for failure
Officials warn of unchecked black market
The real cost of this taxpayer theft revealed
Debt-spiral economy reveals incoming currency collapse or bubble burst
Gov eyes tax revenue loss amid working-class crisis
Republicans vow to stop plan
Says taxes can’t keep up with spending, printing money leads to price controls
Says taxes can’t keep up with spending, printing money leads to price controls
First step to treating precious metals like money instead of a commodity
First step to treating precious metals like money instead of a commodity
Country considering complete abolition of value added tax (VAT) on gold purchases
Advisory committee backing expansion of internet taxes, regulations
Federal government would collect GPS data and tax at higher rates in congested traffic.