‘Saudi Arabia has started taxing water for residents amid the soaring cost of debt as oil revenues decline, media reports say. The kingdom’s unsustainable and extravagant use of water is rapidly depleting the country’s reserves, Saudi newspaper Al-Watan Arabic daily reported. It warned that the practice could soon lead to an environmental and social catastrophe. […]

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‘Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has called for a revolutionary “Robin Hood” tax system in which multinational companies and wealthy individuals actually pay a fair share of tax. Lagarde tweeted her groundbreaking idea Monday, linking to an IMF speech she gave in Abu Dhabi, UAE, which has a zero percent corporation […]

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‘The UK government’s purported crackdown on tax evasion has been embroiled in another credibility crisis, after research revealed that the family company of Chancellor George Osborne has not paid corporation tax in seven years. According to analysis from the Sunday Times newspaper, the Osborne family’s wallpaper business, Osborne & Little Group Ltd, paid out dividends […]

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‘The controversy around Google’s tax deal with British tax officials grabbed headlines this past week, prompting further questions about how overseas criminals launder billions of pounds through the UK. Multinational corporations such as Google and Facebook minimize their European income tax bills through “favorable” tax schemes in countries like Ireland (aka the Double Irish), the […]

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‘MPs have launched an inquiry into Britain’s tax arrangements amid allegations that governments have allowed Google to miniscule amounts of corporation tax since 1996. Critics say the internet giant has taken Britons for fools and sullied the name of capitalism in the process. In the face of mounting criticism over Google’s tax payments in Britain, […]

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‘If Tory MP Mark Garnier is right and Google’s UK turnover has been £1.8 billion per year, then its Corporation Tax bill could be anything up to £360 million a year (depending on the company’s costs). In that context, a deal to pay just £130 million – from 2005 – is worse than “trivial”, as […]

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‘Chancellor George Osborne will face a fiery backbench revolt if he persists with plans to raid the pensions of high-income tax payers in a bid to slash the deficit, senior Tories have claimed. In the run up to March’s budget, proposals are being mooted in the Treasury to ensure all workers who pay into a […]

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‘Christmas is a time for giving and that is what Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is asking of her citizenry. With almost $300 billion in debt, and almost 1 in 10 dollars of revenue going to pay interest, and already facing the highest tax rates in North America, The Star reports that Ontario officials are asking […]

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JP Morgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank AG, Nomura Holding and Morgan Stanley make billions in profit in Britain – but analysis reveals their UK arms paid not a penny of business levy in 2014. Read more: No UK Corporation Tax Paid by Five of the Worlds Largest Investment Banks

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‘Offshore tax havens enable not only individuals to dodge taxes—they also enable multinational corporations to do so. Often this tax avoidance is done within the letter of the law: multinational groups exploit the loopholes of current legislation. The fundamental problem is that the corporate tax is not adapted anymore to today’s globalized world and must […]

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‘Britain’s biggest insurers will be exempt from having their most important indicator of financial health externally audited under proposals issued by the Bank of England on Friday. New European Union rules will require British-based insurance firms from January to meet a minimum solvency capital requirement, or SCR, to show they have enough funds to meet […]

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