‘Sometimes you just have to stand in awe at the level of corruption and incompetence in government. Case in point, the new highway bill in the Land of the Free. And, trust me, you’ll love this. The latest version of the highway bill is called the “Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy […]

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‘The small town of Crickhowell in Wales is using the same loopholes as corporate giants like Amazon and Starbucks to turn their entire town into an offshore haven. The tax rebellion could spread throughout the entire UK. The town’s salmon smokery, coffee shop, book store, optician and bakery intend to share their experience in tax […]

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‘George Osborne should abandon his planned cuts to tax credits and look for the £4.4bn in revenue elsewhere, according to the Resolution Foundation. The thinktank was one of the first to warn of the political damage cuts that tax credits could inflict on the chancellor if he pressed ahead with the timetable set out in […]

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‘German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President François Hollande and heads of the World Bank (WB) group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) urged the international community to impose taxes on carbon emissions in a joint statement. “There has never been a global movement to put a price on carbon at this level and with this […]

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‘The adoption of the austerity measures is stipulated in Athens’ third and latest bailout package from its European creditors and constitutes a condition for the further extension of credits to the country. Among other measures, the draft provides for the retirement age increase from 55 years for men and 50 for women to 67 for […]

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‘Britain’s opposition Labour Party on Monday voiced strong anti-austerity sentiments and said it would enforce an aggressive policy of collecting taxes from the wealthy if it won the next election. The Party’s top economic spokesman John McDonnell emphasized that major businesses will be forced to pay their “fair share” of taxes to help end austerity […]

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Shadow Chancellor John McDonell has outlines the labour Party’s new economic vision for Britain by proposing increases in taxes for the wealthy and for corporations, to attack the current massive inequality that has been allowed to happen during the current Tory Government. Read more: Labour’s New Economic Plan: Tax the Wealthy and Corporations to Reduce Inequality

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‘Online sellers who use Ebay, holiday letting websites and other internet retailers will face one of the “biggest tax crackdowns in history” under government plans to obtain details of millions of online transactions. HMRC wants to collect “bulk” information from internet companies to target thousands of people who fail to declare income they make online, […]

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‘A recent congressional report demonstrates anew just how dismissive, spiteful and rogue the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has become when dealing with the very people who pay for its existence: The American taxpayer. According to a report by majority Republicans on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, “Doing Less with Less: IRS’s Spending Decisions […]

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‘New powers for HMRC to raid bank accounts and cash ISAs undermine the rights enshrined in the Magna Carta, legal experts have claimed. The ‘direct recovery’ power which could see the tax authorities seize payments from employees and business bank accounts would cut out the legal process, a Taxpayers’ Alliance report by barrister Francis Hoare […]

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‘Chancellor George Osborne’s family business made £6 million in a property deal with a developer based in a tax haven, a Channel 4 News investigation has found. Wallpaper firm Osborne & Little teamed up with a secretive corporation in the British Virgin Islands, to draw up plans to redevelop its former London headquarters into housing. […]

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‘Chancellor George Osborne’s family business made £6 million in a property deal with a developer based in a tax haven, a Channel 4 News investigation has found. Wallpaper firm Osborne & Little teamed up with a secretive corporation in the British Virgin Islands, to draw up plans to redevelop its former London headquarters into housing. […]

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‘The offices of the taxman are not usually credited with efficiency and success. But there is one aspect of HM Revenue & Customs which is highly – some would say terrifyingly – efficient, and that is its powerful computer program which is accessing and trawling databases of personal financial information on an unprecedented scale. The […]

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‘Britain will not adopt new EU measures to tackle large-scale tax avoidance by multinational companies, the financial secretary to the Treasury has said. Brussels hopes to implement a longstanding tax harmonization plan to set common rules across member states, thereby closing legal loopholes multinationals currently exploit. A German member of the European Parliament (MEP) said […]

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