‘In the first major protest by farmers in several years, bus-loads of men and women arrived from across Greece to protest the looming over-taxation and social security changes exclaiming that these government-enforced, Quadriga-mandated changes will affect the country’s primary production and crash those who sole income comes from farming, breeding and fishing. The infamous Syntagma […]

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‘On Thursday evening Israeli forces stormed Aida refugee camp in the southern occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem. Jeeps descended on the camp from all entrances shooting off tear gas rounds indiscriminately, Akkram Huessni, a young man from the camp told Mondoweiss. Families rushed to close their windows, shoving cloth in any crevice that could […]

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‘Police in the southern Hungarian village of Roszke fired tear gas at refugees gathered at a reception center Wednesday, local media reported. The Magyar Nemzet Online publication cited a correspondent saying tensions were possibly exacerbated by the presence of the media in Roszke, the major border crossing into Serbia.’ Read more: Hungarian Police Fire Tear Gas […]

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