Man Wearing MAGA Hat Carrying American Flag Walks Through CHAZ
Brave decision.
Paul Joseph Watson | Brave decision.
Study finds that when police are under scrutiny, homicide numbers explode.
Overall pride in US hits all time low.
Steve Watson | Overall pride in US hits all time low.
Zero Hedge | In late February, no lesser healthcare official that the US Surgeon General took to Twitter to demand Americans “STOP BUYING MASKS!”claiming that they’re not effective in preventing the general public from catching COVID-19.
As the crowd began to pull on the chain, all hell broke loose.
RT | As the crowd began to pull on the chain, all hell broke loose.
It didn’t take long for the woke mobs to target statues of the founding fathers and American Constitutional framers in the past days.
“Because we’re not in the precinct, response times across the entire east precinct area have increased.”
A new superhero team has emerged in Antifa-occupied Seattle.
Folded flags traditionally issued by U.S. government for military funerals.
“Keeping the white menace under control.”
Paul Joseph Watson | “Keeping the white menace under control.”