Iraq War report: MPs’ anger as Chilcot inquiry delayed until after general election

Why Would a Tory Government Block the Exposure of a Labour Prime Minister Just before a General Election?

‘MPs have reacted angrily to news that the official inquiry into the 2003 Iraq War will not report until after the general election.

Inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot said he could see “no realistic prospect” of publication before the 7 May election.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the delay was “incomprehensible”, while former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith said it was “disappointing”.

Sir John also faces questioning on the delays by a committee of MPs.’

Read more: Iraq War report: MPs' anger as Chilcot inquiry delayed until after general election

January 8th 2015: Cameron has final word on release date of Iraq war report – Downing Street

‘Prime Minister David Cameron will have the final say as to when the long delayed report into the Iraq war will be published, Number 10 has said.

The report will include the findings of Sir John Chilcot’s public inquiry, which held its last official hearing in February 2011.

The investigation’s conclusions were meant to be published in 2014.’

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