Toe-curling diplomacy: US woos France with hugs, kisses and a VERY awkward rendition of ‘You’ve Got a Friend’ by James Taylor to make up for snubbing terror march

‘A grovelling John Kerry hugged and kissed French president Francois Hollande in a show of contrition after nobody important from the White House joined a solidarity march in the wake of the terror attack on Paris.

The Secretary of State even brought back-up for his visit in the form of singer James Taylor, who patched up the United States’s oldest diplomatic relationship with a rendition of ‘You’ve got a friend’.

Arriving at the presidential Elysée Palace, Kerry reached out his hands for Hollande, embraced him closely, then appeared to kiss him on the cheek in an awkward display for the cameras.

He later gave a message from the American people, delivered in almost-fluent French.’

Read more: Toe-curling diplomacy: US woos France with hugs, kisses and a VERY awkward rendition of 'You've Got a Friend' by James Taylor to make up for snubbing terror march

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