Former US Diplomat: US Is Arming Kiev to Force ‘EU Wimps’ into Confrontation with Russia

‘The New York Times claims that top US and NATO officials are seriously discussing arming Ukraine. Among the ones advocating arming Ukraine are the Secretary of State John Kerry, Obama’s National Security advisor Susan Rice, NATO Commander general Breedlove, Top US general Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

A wish list under discussion amounts to $3 billion in military assistance including drones, armored vehicles and anti-armor missiles.

Anissa Naouai, host of In the Now show, interviewed James Jatras, a well known Washington insider, former U.S. diplomat, GOP Senate policy adviser, lobbyist and expert on Russia, Serbia, Europe and the Middle East.’

Read more: Former US Diplomat: US Is Arming Kiev to Force 'EU Wimps' into Confrontation with Russia

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