Stop the Con Con

The South Dakota House recently passed a resolution calling for an Article V Convention (HJR 1001), and your action is urgently needed to stop this bill in the Senate.

In fact, several different Article V Convention bills have been making their way through the South Dakota Legislature, and every one of them will put our Constitution at risk.

It is urgent you call your state senator today and tell them to vote NO on HJR 1001 or any other bill calling for an Article V Convention.

Click here for contact information.

Some in South Dakota think calling a constitutional convention will help create new “limits” on the federal government.

But the truth is, our Constitution could be shredded if this or any other bill calling for a dangerous Article V Constitutional Convention passes in South Dakota.

The federal government has been ignoring the limits placed on it by the Constitution for years.

When politicians ignore the Constitution with impunity, passing another amendment isn’t going to change that.

Some Article V Convention supporters think a constitutional convention can be limited to certain types or categories of changes.

And many people believe that HJR 1001 is limiting a convention to one issue.  But that simply is not true. Most scholars agree that a constitutional convention cannot be limited.

And that’s just one reason why South Dakota Campaign for Liberty opposes an Article V Constitutional Convention.

Please call or email your state senator today and tell them to vote NO on HJR 1001 or any other bill calling for an Article V Convention.

Click here for contact information.

One group supporting a convention points out on its own website that if a convention is called. . .

. . .“the convention of states itself would determine which ideas deserve serious consideration. . .”

And what they fail to point out is that literally hundreds of progressive organizations, such as Sierra Club, Code Pink, Alliance for Progressive Values, MoveOn, and “Occupy,” have been pushing for a convention since 2009!

Do you trust the hundreds of progressive organizations calling for an Article V Convention to do the right thing and rein in the federal government?

Do you trust the powerful special interests, backed by George Soros and his ilk, to do the right thing?

Do you trust the progressive states, such as California, New York, and Illinois, to fall in line with what South Dakota wants?

Call or email your South Dakota Senator today and tell him or her not to cave into the pressure. Tell them to stand strong and vote NO on any bill calling for a dangerous Article V Convention.

Click here for contact information.

There is no way a convention can be limited.

Article V of the Constitution only allows states to apply to Congress for a convention to amend the Constitution. Once the required number of states submit their applications, Congress must “call” the convention.

Article V does not empower the states to have any control over the convention itself.

You would have NO control over the rules of the convention or who attends to represent you.

Do you remember how Establishment Republicans treated the liberty delegates at the 2012 GOP conventions?

Imagine what will happen at a convention being held to manipulate the U.S. Constitution, with BOTH Republican and Democrat Establishment and hundreds of progressive, George Soros-types pulling the strings.

A convention is extremely dangerous – especially today!

These bills must be stopped.

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