‘What about my freedom of speech?’: French comedian Dieudonné on trial for ‘apology for terrorism’

‘The French comedian Dieudonné claimed to be the victim of double standards on freedom of speech as he appeared in court for the third time in a week.

The comedian was on trial accused of making an “apology for terrorism” after he posted a Facebook video associating himself with the man who murdered four people in a kosher supermarket in Paris last month.

Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, 48, is already awaiting judgment following a trial last week for “incitement to racial hatred” against Jews. He was tried on Tuesday for “insulting a member of the government” after he described the Prime Minister Manuel Valls as a “semi-Down’s-Syndrome Mussolini” in 2013.’

Read more: 'What about my freedom of speech?': French comedian Dieudonné on trial for 'apology for terrorism'

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