Neither Republicans nor Democrats Top 40% Favorability in Latest Gallup Poll for First Time Ever

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Over the past couple of months, I’ve launched a series of posts titled either “Hilary Clinton Exposed” or “Jeb Bush Exposed,” in order to call attention to the deplorable and embarrassing fact that the American citizenry is being set up to choose between two awful candidates, both from dynastic and corrupt political families.

One thing I’ve realized over the past half-decade or so, is how incredibly slow genuine political change can be. Societies can be well aware of how despicable, useless and criminal their so-called political “leaders” are, yet it still can take decades or more to usher in real, sustainable paradigm level change. This is sort of the curse of being aware and awake, but it’s a burden I and all of you reading this share together…

Read more here.

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