Russian lawmakers consider Poroshenko’s cool welcome in Ukraine’s Odessa logical

‘The Russian State Duma has described as logical a cool welcome that the people of south Ukraine’s Odessa gave to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko who arrived in the city for the celebrations of the 71st anniversary of Odessa’s liberation from German and Romanian occupiers.

Hundreds of people chanted “murderer”, “No to fascism!” and other anti-government slogans as the Ukrainian president was laying a wreath at the Monument to an Unknown Sailor at the Alley of Glory in Odessa. The demonstrators were holding a replica of the Banner of Victory and red flags in their hands.

Poroshenko was accompanied by city officials while Euromaidan supporters dressed in military uniforms stood nearby. Reinforced police units sealed off the Alley of Glory. The policemen turned away all the people who had come to lay flowers at the monument.’

Read more: Russian lawmakers consider Poroshenko’s cool welcome in Ukraine's Odessa logical

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