LONDON (Reuters) – Passengers arriving into Britain from Belgium, the Bahamas and Andorra will need to quarantine for 14 days due to concerns over rising COVID-19 infection rates, transport minister Grant Shapps said on Thursday. The announcement comes as ministers try to prevent arrivals from infection hotspots adding to numbers of new cases which are […]

Authorities in Broward County, Florida have passed a coronavirus emergency order which includes text suggesting all residents are mandated to wear face masks inside their own homes. County Administrator Bertha Henry issued Emergency Order 20-22, which imposes a curfew from 11pm to 5am while also banning all gatherings of 10 or more people. However, the text […]

Google search has blacklisted numerous major conservative websites by removing them from results in what appears to be a major new censorship purge. Breitbart, the Daily Caller, Infowars, Human Events and Red State are all missing when a user searches directly for those websites on Some of the sites have small link from their […]

History often surprises us with unexpected ironies. For the past century, the slide to fascism could be found on the Right (conservative, populist, nationalist political parties). But now it’s the Left that’s descending into fascism, and few seem to even

The core belief of the Establishment is the central state should run everything. If you’re an Establishment insider, the mainstream media will give you plenty of column inches and airtime to label Donald Trump a “dangerous” fascist: for example, Democratic

  ‘College-educated elites, on behalf of corporations, carried out the savage neoliberal assault on the working poor. Now they are being made to pay. Their duplicity—embodied in politicians such as Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama—succeeded for decades. These elites, many from East Coast Ivy League schools, spoke the language of values—civility, inclusivity, a […]

The post The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism appeared first on David Icke.

Donald Trump is an extreme version of the American society and spews racist and fascist views to attract more support: – Trump says he would deport 11 million undocumented workers from the United States and would establish a deportation force

‘Amidst a hand-wringing defence of the indefensible, The New Statesman propagated a common myth thus: “The European Union has indeed brought peace and prosperity to the people of Europe, . . .” Indeed, it never did. The institution that arguably brought peace and truly brought prosperity to Europe was the E.E.C. Colloquially, ‘it was a […]

The post The EU, Greece, and All That. The European Union has not Brought Peace and Prosperity to the People of Europe appeared first on David Icke.

‘Cameron was crowing this week over his ‘victory’ on the issue of migrant benefits. But EU leaders should be extremely wary of what has been agreed. Cameron emerged seemingly triumphant from this week’s meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk. As expected, three of his four criteria for supporting Britain’s continued membership in the EU […]

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‘For a while after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the spy agency’s massive collection of personal data on tens of millions of Americans, it appeared as though there might be some genuine reform of how the intelligence community operates. In August 2013, weeks after Snowden first revealed the existence of the […]

The post Government merges closer with corporations to step up surveillance as US heads into total fascism appeared first on David Icke.

‘It is 70 years since large parts of Europe lay in ruins. Great power aspirations, nationalism and fascism made the continent the focus of two world wars, which together claimed nearly 100 million victims. Now, these same tendencies are spreading once again. Everywhere in Europe, the ruling elites are moving sharply to the right. They […]

The post The Fracturing of the European Union appeared first on David Icke.

‘Is Donald J. Trump running a false flag campaign to help Hillary? This idea was originally floated as a Republican Party conspiracy theory back in August, but failed to gain any traction by virtue of Donald Trump’s abrupt surge in national GOP polling. That’s changing now, as reality is starting to dawn on The Donald […]

The post Hillary’s Secret Weapon: Donald Trump appeared first on David Icke.

‘The clown is no longer funny; the joke is now a sinister threat. Donald Trump has long been treated as a laughable absurdity, the generator of the occasional Twitter storm, a “only in America” caricature who simply could not be taken seriously. Yes, polling makes him the decisive Republican frontrunner with only two months until […]

The post Donald Trump’s Real Threat Is Making Extreme Bigots Seem Moderate appeared first on David Icke.

‘EU lawmakers have rejected a hard-won compromise which would have allowed member states to decide whether or not to import Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for use in food and animal feed. The European Parliament voted 557 to 75 against on a law which took the European Commission years to negotiate amid deep suspicions about the possible […]

The post EU countries won’t be able to opt out from genetically-modified food appeared first on David Icke.