To See The Cage Is To Leave It

‘My reason for writing this article is most definitely not to focus on the bad stuff that is happening on this planet. I don’t want to spend time identifying the people who cause the bad events and discuss theories that pertain to the “end” of the human race and the various other speculations that are becoming such voraciously consumed trends in the alternative information arena. I believe we should all be questioning any mainstream source of information.

Not because it is aspirational to be ‘anti-establishment’ (although blindly following the herd is equally undesirable), but because there are so many roads to ‘truth’, and true knowledge can’t be acquired by merely trusting a single source of information (mainstream-media as a single entity in its entirety).

My reason for writing this article is to suggest ways and means for us to collectively as a species make the transition period we are experiencing as gentle and harmonized as possible. We can experience this together WITHOUT being affected by the fear which is a product of so many of the events which are being unleashed into our current projection of reality.’

Read more: To See The Cage Is To Leave It

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