Waking up to the illusions of our world was the main message of The Matrix. This allowed Neo, the main protagonist, to see reality for what it is and even break the boundaries of limitation. There were some themes of eastern philosophy similar to Buddhism and Hinduism in that our reality is but a mere […]

 Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon UFO program since 2007, recently stated that, in some cases, the examination of the material retrieved from some UFOs has, according to the New York times, “failed to determine their source” which has led Davis to conclude that “We […]

5G induces coronaviruses according to a new study just published on the US NIH (National Institute of Health) website PubMed.gov and published earlier elsewhere. The study, entitled 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells (full version here), comes to the shocking conclusion – shocking from a mainstream scientific viewpoint – that 5G technology […]

Iam what the general population, politicians and the mainstream media (MSM) would call a conspiracy theorist. While I don’t agree with their definition of the term, there’s not much point in me denying it. It is applied to me, and millions like me, whether we like it or not. For those who deem conspiracy theorists to be […]

‘Today during a speech about France’s Brexit, prime minister David Cameron lashed out at prominent researcher and author, David Icke. According to a report by The Telegraph, Cameron said: “OF COURSE YOU CAN SAY THIS IS ALL SOME GIANT CONSPIRACY, SOME SORT OF DAVID ICKE’S STYLE SORT OF YOU KNOW … IT IS JUST NONSENSE”. […]

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‘It is refreshing to see more and more of humanity wake up to the functional real-time political reality of the world we now live in. There are many human beings throughout the planet who now understand that corruption has taken over. They understand that criminals run the world. They understand that in America a powerful […]

The post How The Deep State’s Two-Dimensional Engineered Reality Actually Works appeared first on David Icke.

‘The essence of the Deep State is “a combination of government and private businesses, working arm in arm to take advantage of the public.“ Here, that public is “mother and child.” Where infant and follow-up formula (FUF) are concerned, whether purchasing, consuming, or investing in that increasingly lucrative market, the question for the health and […]

The post Deep State Investing and The Commodification of Our Children appeared first on David Icke.

‘On any given night in the United States, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, over half a million people are without a home. That number may have decreased nationwide in the past few years, but California remains on the forefront of the problem, accounting for 20 percent of the country’s homeless in […]

The post How the Homeless Population Is Changing — and Becoming Much More Vulnerable appeared first on David Icke.