Why is Labour Peer Lord Janner not being prosecuted because he has dementia? At least 19 defendants suffering with the disease have been convicted for sex crimes… and TEN were in the past year

‘The CPS was today accused of double standards for not prosecuting Lord Janner after it emerged at least 19 men with dementia have been convicted of child sex offences since 2010, including ten in the past year.

MailOnline can reveal that some paedophiles, including several too ill to enter a plea, have still been prosecuted and in some cases jailed for the rest of their lives because of historic sex attacks.

On Friday Alison Saunders, Director of Public Prosecutions, concluded that former Labour MP Lord Janner’s dementia made him unfit to plead on 22 historic child sex offences between 1969 and 1988.

She decided there was no public interest in prosecuting Janner because of his illness, yet the CPS’ latest prosecution of a dementia sufferer on sex charges came in February.’

Read more: Why is Labour Peer Lord Janner not being prosecuted because he has dementia? At least 19 defendants suffering with the disease have been convicted for sex crimes… and TEN were in the past year

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