‘It is as if Harvey Proctor had known a report was about to be published, supporting his claim that police are trying to put investigations into child abuse by the privileged quietly to bed – in order to avoid serious questions about their own conduct. The Crown Prosecution Service and police have been “severely criticised”. […]

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‘It’s happening all across the nation, but it’s something state and medical authorities are afraid to discuss. It’s something called medical kidnapping – the warrant-less seizure of children based on mere suspicion of child abuse. For example, if a parent disagrees with a medical diagnosis placed on their child and they want a second opinion, […]

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The CPS has stated that all corporate charges against Rupert Murdoch’s news group over the hacking scandal are to be dropped citing insufficient evidence. Ten individuals from Mirror group newspapers are also to have charges against them dropped inclding Piers Morgan. Read more: Crown Prosecution Services to Drop All Corporate Charges Against Murdoch’s News Group Over Hacking […]

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‘More of the same from CPS as Off The Grid News reports a mothers struggle to get her life on track after CPS destroyed it, all for watching her kids out the window. Natasha Felix cannot volunteer at her children’s school and has trouble finding work as a home health aide because she let her […]

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‘NBC 2 News is reporting a new “partnership” between the Erie County Department of Social Services and New York public schools that would place a Child Protective Services (CPS) employee in the Erie County local suburban schools several days per week. The media unsurprisingly reports this as a way to give school staff faster access […]

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‘In a continuing cover-up by Child Protective Services (“CPS’) in Texas, Judge Keith Dean this week ordered the removal of a YouTube video produced by a 13-year-old boy that exposes the sexual and physical abuse that he and his brother endured while in CPS foster care. The video also reveals the 377-day nightmare suffered by […]

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‘A prominent Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky, has reportedly sued the Crown Prosecution Office, seeking £100,000 ($157,000) in damages. The office previously accused him of creating and possessing indecent images of children. The writ, which was issued in the high court in London, says that the Crown Prosecution Office (СPS) “falsely and maliciously” damaged Bukovsky’s reputation […]

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‘On Dec. 11, 2001, Dee Torres-Hill, manager of the Prado Daycare Center, told police that a mother, Elizabeth Carroll punched her own 5-year-old daughter in the nose. Investigators would later determined that Carroll didn’t punch her child. However, the damage was already done. Even though Torres-Hill’s allegations were found to have no factual basis, other […]

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‘Stone and Stefano begin to discuss the child sex trafficking problem. When Stone asks Stefano if she has encountered sex trafficking among children, she replies: “We need to cover it a lot more.” As an example, she mentioned a sex trafficking case with CPS in Orange County California last year. Stefano says that of 105 […]

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‘Here’s another horrifying case from the Family Defense Center in Chicago. A baby’s fractured leg convinced the Department of Child and Family Services that she had been abused, despite the fact that fractures like hers are common in kids, and there was absolutely no other evidence against the parents. The state fought tooth and nail […]

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‘Prosecutors are refusing to tell Scotland Yard whether it had enough evidence to charge former Home Secretary Leon Brittan with raping a young woman. The refusal has prompted frustration among detectives and for the complainant, known only as ‘Jane’ to protect her identity.’ Read more: Government prosecution agency refuses to advise police on Leon Brittan rape […]

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Don’t mess with Texas. Particularly if you happen to be a person who enjoys the freedom to purchase lemonade from two adorable little girls trying to raise money to buy their dad a Father’s Day gift. In that case, you better

‘Ministers joined child protection campaigners yesterday in denouncing a judge’s suggestion that recently-arrived immigrant parents should be permitted to slap and hit their children. In what was interpreted as a stern rebuke, a Government spokesman […]