£11million: That’s the astonishing bonus Thomas Cook is now giving boss in charge of Corfu villa scandal

‘The Thomas Cook chief executive accused of seeking millions in ‘blood money’ over the deaths of two British children in a Corfu hotel is due to receive an astonishing £10,507,730 personal bonus from the company next month.

The pay-off to City ‘superwoman’ Harriet Green has been described as ‘outrageous’ due to her ‘shameful’ handling of the aftermath of the deaths of Christi and Bobby Shepherd from gas poisoning.

The multi-billion-pound tour operator was plunged into a crisis of its own making last week after The Mail on Sunday’s revelation that it received £3.5 million in compensation from the hotel over the children’s deaths – ten times what each of their parents received.’

Read more: £11million: That's the astonishing bonus Thomas Cook is now giving boss in charge of Corfu villa scandal

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