Abuse of Power: Ukraine’s Poroshenko Exposed in $25 Million Land Deal Cover-up

‘Amid growing public disdain within Ukraine over the oligarchs’ tight grip of power in the country, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has focused its ire on President Poroshenko, advising him to take his own medicine: it published a report revealing how he used presidential influence to quietly appropriate historic sites and bury subsequent inquiries.

The US-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) has dug into President Poroshenko’s misuse of his presidential power.

The revelations come as Poroshenko, soon to mark his first year in office, faces growing criticism, both within the country and abroad, for his failure to rein in the oligarchs and their tight grip on power.’

Read more: Abuse of Power: Ukraine's Poroshenko Exposed in $25 Million Land Deal Cover-up

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