Ukraine – A US-Supported Fascist Cancer in Europe’s Heartland

‘As Russia and leaders from dozens of other countries prepare to celebrate Victory in Europe on May 9 in Moscow, the defeated scourge again threatens regional peace and stability – courtesy of US-installed and supported Ukrainian Nazi thugs.

They celebrated May 2 as Victory Day – the infamous year ago day when Kiev-unleashed Right Sector Nazi thugs murdered hundreds of anti-regime Odessans wanting to live free from the scourge of fascism.

City police did nothing while they shot, bludgeoned, strangled, hacked to death with axes, and threw defenseless victims from windows of Odessa’s Trade Union House building where they sought sanctuary in vain.

Right Sector thugs awaited them inside for a well-planned mass murder operation ordered by Kiev, OK’d by Washington.’

Read more: Ukraine – A US-Supported Fascist Cancer in Europe's Heartland

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