Philosopher Kings, Rings and Things


‘In ancient days there were philosopher kings and queens, sages and wise councils who led, or rather encouraged, mankind. They did this by their innate understanding, not by force or decree, but by loving and compassionate empowerment and without hierarchy. They simply pointed the way for humanity to discover its own true self by conscious awakening and the realization of its true potential.

Truly benign and loving sages, shamans and elders who sought the best for humanity.

Sad to say however, those days were usually scuttled by blood thirsty power mongers, as in the days of ancient Greece and other more enlightened civilizations being overthrown by warlords, or as in the cases of the deliberate evisceration of native peoples across the world. No doubt this cycle has been repeated for millennia, even before recorded history.’

Read more: Philosopher Kings, Rings and Things

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