Un-selling the Soul: Turning the Tables on Guilt and Debt


‘Have no doubt, we are a conquered and enslaved nation, and debt is the method of our enslavement. Each made-out-of-thin-air dollar is an invisible link on an invisible chain that keeps us codependent on a corrupt system. Most households are drowning in various forms of debt. It is a way of controlling us; making us weak, afraid, and financially unstable.

But as Malcom Gladwell wrote, “There comes a point where the best-intentioned application of power and authority begins to backfire.” It doesn’t matter if the people who implemented the system had good intentions. The system has backfired, and it’s up to us to fire back.

Here’s the thing: All equations drop to zero when debt is our slave master. The heart is greed and bloody-mindedness in such a state, unless it’s tricked out of its condition. Death sleeps on the one-way-only-street of this heart, a pigeon for a pillow. What’s needed is a kind of rebirth. What’s needed is a kind of Phoenix rising out of the ashes. What’s needed is the David of our heart finding the courage to face the Goliath of the debt system. Here are three powerful ways to turn the tables on guilt and debt.’

Read more: Un-selling the Soul: Turning the Tables on Guilt and Debt

The post Un-selling the Soul: Turning the Tables on Guilt and Debt appeared first on David Icke.

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