If we don’t change the way money is created and distributed, we will never change anything. This is the core message of my book A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All. The Panama Papers offer damning

Finland made the news recently by proposing a pilot program of guaranteed income for all, also known as Universal Basic Income: Desperate Finland Set To Unleash Helicopter Money Drop To All Citizens. The goal is two-fold: by providing every household

Jean-Paul Sartre famously wrote that Hell is other people. While this is undoubtedly true in cocktail party and workplace settings, in socioeconomic terms,Hell is a scarcity of positive social roles–the sources of positive identity, pride, purpose, community and meaning. Since

One of the more remarkable characteristics of American life is our passive acceptance of systems that are so obviously completely insane. Yes, I refer to our healthcare system, a.k.a. sickcare because in America sickness is profitable and health is not,

‘Have no doubt, we are a conquered and enslaved nation, and debt is the method of our enslavement. Each made-out-of-thin-air dollar is an invisible link on an invisible chain that keeps us codependent on a corrupt system. Most households are drowning in various forms of debt. It is a way of controlling us; making us […]

The post Un-selling the Soul: Turning the Tables on Guilt and Debt appeared first on David Icke.

If we had to summarize the sickness of our economy and society, we could start by noting that liberation is unprofitable, and whatever is not profitable to vested interests is marginalized, outlawed, proscribed or ridiculed. Examples of this abound. Liberation

It’s an economic recovery so lopsided, corrupt and fraudulent only an oligarch could love it. One of the key themes at Liberty Blitzkrieg since inception has been to point out that the current economic recovery is largely a sham. While

For those of us who remain horrified and disgusted by the 2008-09 Federal Reserve and U.S. government bailout of the kleptocratic oligarchs who created the crisis, recent comments by the mastermind of this historic theft should be extremely concerning. Although bankers and oligarchs got everything they

One of the main reasons that hyper-luxury cars are outselling regular cars, is because all of the wealth gains from the oligarch recovery are going to, well, oligarchs. This has been a regular theme here at Liberty Blitzkrieg, and is