The Staggering Ways America Is Rigged to Traumatize and Impoverish Kids Coming Out of College

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‘In a recent issue of Psychology Today, Peter Gray joined the chorus of Millennial-bashers, making the case that college kids lack “resilience.” He says that more college students depend on counseling services and offers up anecdotes of woefully pathetic kids. The basic gist of the piece — common to this genre of article — is that society is doomed because young people can’t handle “everyday” challenges.

Other commentators have been all too happy to bash Millennials. In fact, everywhere Millennials turn they are told that they’re lazy, entitled, narcissistic and clueless. They have even been called “the lamest generation.”

This conclusion is wrong, and it’s damaging.’

Read more: The Staggering Ways America Is Rigged to Traumatize and Impoverish Kids Coming Out of College

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