The War of Words – Evidence of the Awakening


‘I was recently honored to have two very inspiring and enlightening meetings with the inimitable Gnostic scholar and spiritual activist John Lash, covering a wide range of subjects. As we compared notes and ideas and our current views on trends we’re identifying, one topic that came up was the shifting field of language.

You may also be noticing this, but the term “anti-semitic” doesn’t have the bite and strong stigma it once had. This is a clear manifestation of how the informational war we’re waging is causing a profound shift in consciousness.

When truth enters into any paradigm there is a distinct and rapid erosion of fear. Anyone in the western world has been psycho-spiritually programmed to react strongly to such an assertion that they are being “anti-semitic”, not just along politically correct lines but at much deeper levels. There are many such examples across the wordosphere but I’ll just touch on a few here.’

Read more: The War of Words – Evidence of the Awakening

The post The War of Words – Evidence of the Awakening appeared first on David Icke.

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