US Seeks to Cut Europeans Out of Syria Peace Talks

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‘With the UN General Assembly setting up a growing call for international negotiations on ending the Syrian Civil War, the Obama Administration is taking a risky position, reportedly trying to keep all Western European nations from taking part in the negotiations.

The international nature of the talks had most assuming that the P5+1 would be formally involved, as they were with the Iran nuclear negotiations, but while the US is okay with Russia being at the talks, they want to cut out the other four, meaning China and all three EU members would be sidelined.

The real risk of including France, Germany, and Britain is the appeal to reasonableness they are liable to bring to the table, as the US can count on the Saudis and Turkish government to both unconditionally spurn any unity deal that keeps Assad in power in any form, while the European nations are more likely to push for some sort of compromise deal that starts a transition.’

Read more: US Seeks to Cut Europeans Out of Syria Peace Talks

The post US Seeks to Cut Europeans Out of Syria Peace Talks appeared first on David Icke.

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