Dump Obama Now Or Face Thermonuclear Holocaust

The fate of mankind hangs in the balance, and the central issue is now, more than ever, whether the American people and a handful of elected officials will have the courage to force the removal of President Obama from office. The Drone Papers are the Pentagon Papers of 2015, documenting that the President of the United States is the biggest mass murderer in American history.

The fact that the American mass media has covered up the significance of the Drone Papers is to be expected. It in no way diminishes the evidence, or makes Obama any less guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

He sits atop a clearly defined criminal chain of command, which has commissioned assassinations around the globe, including against American citizens. The crimes are clearly documented in the Drone Papers, which include a Congressional Intelligence Committee audit of the multi-billion dollar a year drone programs of the CIA and the Joint Special Operations Command, showing that there is no oversight, and that innocent civilians are routinely killed, only to be posthumously categorized as enemies killed in combat to conceal the magnitude of the crimes.

Obama persists in covering up the bombing of the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, rejecting the group’s demands for an independent inquiry under the Geneva Conventions. Obama is a killer on a rampage and he must be stopped by appropriate Constitutional action, either through the impeachment procedures or the 25th Amendment.

There is a growing mood in the country for exactly this action–provided that the proper leadership is marshalled to make it happen. On Wednesday afternoon, an extraordinary forum took place on Capitol Hill, featuring Congressmen John Conyers, Walter Jones, and Alan Grayson, along with former US Ambassador Jack Matlock, NYU professor Stephen Cohen, and corporate CEO Joseph Pepper. They unanimously warned that Obama’s conduct is leading the world to thermonuclear catastrophe, and demanded a halt to Obama’s provocations against Russia and Putin. Speaker after speaker recalled the Cold War experiences of living under the threat of imminent thermonuclear extinction, and warned that the current situation, as the result of Obama’s actions, is even more dangerous.

We have reached a moment of opportunity. By removing Obama through the appropriate Constitutional means, and moving to restore Glass-Steagall and immediately launch a genuine economic revival, in the spirit of Franklin Roosevelt, we can restore the United States to its historic role as a nation that leads by example, not by imperial design and war.

The alternative was clearly spelled out on Capitol Hill, echoing warnings from Lyndon LaRouche from the very start of the Obama presidency. To allow a dangerous narcissist to remain in office one day longer is to risk the very survival of mankind.

The American people have suffered through 15 years of Bush and Obama, and the consequences have already been devastating. Poverty, unemployment, drug addiction, suicide—these are the human consequences of the Bush and Obama destruction of the US economy. And now President Obama has brought the world to the very brink of possible thermonuclear extinction.

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