Documentary Reveals CIA Recruitment of Psychics and Remote Viewers for Espionage


‘A rare documentary from the 1990’s reveals an other-worldly side to secret government projects. Stansfield Turner, CIA Director 1977-1981:

“When I was first introduced to this idea of parapsychology I was very skeptical. Then I began to think about it and we all know of people who seem to have some kind of psychic powers.”

During the cold war era, the United States government received intelligence that the Soviets had been delving into research on the use of psychics and remote viewers for a number of secret aims. In response, they decided to start similar operations and were interested in creating spies with extra-sensory perception, or ESP. They apparently thought that if the Russians were having success, then they could potentially create the perfect spy with something akin to super natural abilities.’

Read more: Documentary Reveals CIA Recruitment of Psychics and Remote Viewers for Espionage

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