Donald Trump’s Real Threat Is Making Extreme Bigots Seem Moderate

Untitled (3)‘The clown is no longer funny; the joke is now a sinister threat. Donald Trump has long been treated as a laughable absurdity, the generator of the occasional Twitter storm, a “only in America” caricature who simply could not be taken seriously. Yes, polling makes him the decisive Republican frontrunner with only two months until the first primary; in Iowa – one of the first states to choose – he has a 13-point lead.

But surely a campaign fuelled by idiocy, chauvinism and bigotry is doomed. Surely, as some speculate, he is a spoiler (consciously or otherwise) to help his friend Hillary Clinton. It would be like uber-troll Katie Hopkins becoming the Tory party’s frontrunner for leader.’

Read more: Donald Trump’s Real Threat Is Making Extreme Bigots Seem Moderate

The post Donald Trump’s Real Threat Is Making Extreme Bigots Seem Moderate appeared first on David Icke.

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