Hillary’s Secret Weapon: Donald Trump

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‘Is Donald J. Trump running a false flag campaign to help Hillary? This idea was originally floated as a Republican Party conspiracy theory back in August, but failed to gain any traction by virtue of Donald Trump’s abrupt surge in national GOP polling. That’s changing now, as reality is starting to dawn on The Donald Show.

The GOP has got a fundamental problem now. Presently, the Republican Party has its own hands half-tied – unable to fully distance themselves or condemn Trump’s recent call to ban all Muslims from entering the US, or even Trump’s somewhat disturbing call on Monday to “close down parts of the internet.”

The reason the GOP’s hands are tied is because Trump isn’t the only candidate invested in this litany of reactionary policy rhetoric in the GOP’s now legendary race to the bottom – as a still bloated field of presidential candidates rush to gather all the lost political souls before February, by pandering to the radical right and the remnants of a scattered Tea Party base.’

Read more: Hillary’s Secret Weapon: Donald Trump

The post Hillary’s Secret Weapon: Donald Trump appeared first on David Icke.

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