Nine Ways To Stop Cooperating With The Ruling Elite’s Control System


‘Done sneakily, or under the illusion of democracy, in recent times more oppressive laws have been made than ever before. Between us being subjected to more and more ordinances, rules, restrictions and outright laws then demonizing our dissension and opinion should we object… It’s as if we can’t do anything right.

How long will it take for the masses to wake up to these grossly restricting laws and realize how un-free they are? The masses’ unchallenging complacency with these laws has been made that much easier through social conditioning engineered over the years by the ruling elite.

In this charade, the power-mad egomaniac manipulating controlling parasitical ruling elite impose themselves on almost everything for their ulterior motives: ownership, power, profit and political gain – and that’s it. It’s that straightforward. It’s that pathetic.’

Read more: Nine Ways To Stop Cooperating With The Ruling Elite’s Control System

The post Nine Ways To Stop Cooperating With The Ruling Elite’s Control System appeared first on David Icke.

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