Cameron is sowing the seeds of fascism


‘Cameron was crowing this week over his ‘victory’ on the issue of migrant benefits. But EU leaders should be extremely wary of what has been agreed.

Cameron emerged seemingly triumphant from this week’s meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk. As expected, three of his four criteria for supporting Britain’s continued membership in the EU – that is, the three largely meaningless ones – were more or less agreed. But Cameron also claimed victory over the one that was expected to be the sticking point: a four-year ban on in-work benefits for new EU migrants.

Under existing treaties, EU nationals working in the UK are entitled to be treated the same as British citizens. However, Tusk has now agreed that Britain should be allowed to apply an “emergency brake,” which would block benefits to EU workers in Britain in certain ‘emergency’ circumstances. As yet, exactly what circumstances would qualify as ‘emergencies’ remains undefined, but according to Reuters, what Cameron and Tusk have in mind is the country’s “welfare system [being]under excessive strain”.’

Read more: Cameron is sowing the seeds of fascism

The post Cameron is sowing the seeds of fascism appeared first on David Icke.

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