Cruz Wins in Iowa, Rubio Surprises – Trump’s second Place Finish a ‘Big, Fat Beautiful Waste of Time’

trump cruz

‘Ted Cruz came out ahead of Donald Trump in the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucus Monday night, winning 28.9% of the caucus vote to Trump’s 25.2%. Marco Rubio finished a respectable third with 21.1%.

Ben Carson managed to get 9.3% of the vote from the Hawkeye state while the remaining candidates split the rest in insignificant totals. Mike Huckabee, who won the state in 2008, only managed 1.8% of the vote and almost immediately announced he was dropping out.’

Read more: Cruz Wins in Iowa, Rubio Surprises – Trump’s second Place Finish a ‘Big, Fat Beautiful Waste of Time’

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