Jim Willie Issues Financial Collapse Warning: “Fuse Has Been Lit!”

Jim Willie Has Issued A Systemic Lehman Event Warning,
Except This Time, The Entire Global Financial System Will Erupt Like A Debt Volcano…“:


Many are the potential fuses to be lit, which would create the conflagration, the massive bonfire of the bond vanities and bank charades. Many are the fuses lying around, all criss-crossed, all exposed, all overlapping each other in highly dangerous manner.

If any single fuse is lit, then several will light and the detonation arrives. It is unavoidable since the financial world is so deeply interwoven. Never in modern history has the global financial structure been so badly weakened, so totally corrupted, so thoroughly undermined by control mechanisms, so intensely defended by sanctions even war.

In 2007 and early 2008, the Jackass warned of a mortgage bust that would alter the global system forever. It happened with far reaching consequences which endure to this day.

In recent months the Jackass is warning of a Systemic Lehman event, where several major national systems are at heightened risk of a similar bust like what happened in September 2008.


Except this time, the entire global financial system will erupt like a debt volcano, with several epicenters, all located in the West. The big Western banks are all lashed together, all tied to each other. The banker cabal believed that the interconnectivity within their bank structures would make them all immune to failure risk.

The reality is that the failure of any one major bank guarantees the systemic breakdown of all of them. It will erupt like a cave-in of the flying buttresses at the Notre Dame in Paris, with numerous bank (churches) collapsing, all located in the West.

Gold Market Arbitrage Breakdown

Ever since the Shanghai Gold Exchange opened and the London Gold Fix was exposed as a grand fraud, the pressures have risen on arbitrage within the gold market. A hidden battle has been waged, sometimes intense with big gaps, often mild with smaller gaps, between the East and West. The arbitrage gap is currently around US$20-25 per ounce in price, but could change quickly and suddenly. It is likely to rise to hundreds of dollars, but gradually, and later perhaps in large chunk increments. The result will be the wreckage of paper Gold & Silver bullion markets.


Big players would be free to buy cheap gold in London, sell dear in Shanghai, and bust the fraudulent market wide open. When the gold market arbitrage undergoes a collision between reality of physical gold in movement and the fantasy of phony paper market pricing, the Western banks go poof and the USDollar dies. 


When the collapse occurs, the solution will finally be discussed, the solution avoided for eight full years.

Click Here For Jim Willie’s Full HAT TRICK LETTER:

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