Grenfell Tower fire is a ‘crime’ that should topple the government, says Fire Brigade Union chief

‘The head of the Fire Brigades Union has described the Grenfell Tower disaster as a “crime” that should topple the government amid warnings over a boycott of the national inquiry.
FBU chief Matt Wrack said the tower block fire was a “national political scandal” and called for ministers to be hauled before the inquiry to answer questions about why regulations were cut.
The union will walk away from the official inquiry if it is seen by survivors and firefighters as a “pointless stitch up”, Mr Wrack warned.
Speaking at a fringe event at the Labour conference, he said: “To me, Grenfell Tower was an atrocity.
“You struggle to find words to describe it when 80 people die in their own homes, not through war, not through terrorism but through some other crime, in my view.
“A crime where people have to be held to account.”’
Read more: Grenfell Tower fire is a ‘crime’ that should topple the government, says Fire Brigade Union chief

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