Helga Zepp-LaRouche: A New, Strong Handshake Needed between East and West

Aircraft from the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration teams participate in the America Strong collaborative flyover Saturday, May 2, 2020 over the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

The overwhelming reality is the fact that we are heading toward an unbelievable crisis, Schiller Institute Helga Zepp-LaRouche stressed in a briefing yesterday, speaking of the pandemic and economic “catastrophe unfolding in unimaginable dimensions.” She referred to the warnings of medical experts like Dr. Christian Drosten of the Charité Hospital’s Institute of Virology in Berlin, about the impact of the pandemic now coming into being in poor areas worldwide, as seen in mass death in Manaus, Brazil, food riots in Nigeria and other horrors.

Rough statistics from the International Labor Organization drive home the point: Of the total world population of 7.8 billion, 3.3 billion are the workforce cohort, of whom 2 billion are in the “informal” economy—meaning they and their loved ones live day-to-day, hand-to-mouth. If there is any disruption, it spells disaster. Even if the virus doesn’t strike, the lack of food and water will sicken and kill.

But horrifying as this is, the situation is not foredoomed. It is a call to action. Humanity can rally, and confer on the challenges, which means to devise and implement the physical economy measures required, and to expose and put down the geopolitical anti-China, anti-Russia madness deployed to prevent saving lives and putting in a new system. The current geopolitical target is to bum-rush President Donald Trump into submission to the war-hawks against China in his administration, to preclude what the world needs: collaboration among the great powers—President Trump, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and any others willing. The confrontationist gameplan comes right out of London, the center of the dying monetarist system.

An example of the daily geopolitical onslaught was shown last night on U.S. Fox TV, featuring charges against China by “Five Eyes” British intelligence, that China deliberately spread the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A timeline of China’s alleged crimes was presented by reporter Sharri Markson, of Australia’s Daily Telegraph, which had publicized the Five Eyes account in a huge six-page spread May 2. Fox host Tucker Carlson warned, “By the time the pandemic plays out, China plans to rule the world…”

Certain U.S. Congressmen are outdoing themselves on this track. This week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will introduce a bill to “impose strict sanctions on Chinese government officials who covered up the pandemic,” he said. Cruz told Fox News May 2, “China is, in my judgment, the single greatest geopolitical threat the United States faces over the next century.”

Add this warmongering to the mix of desperation and fear already felt by millions of people, otherwise subjected to anti-science propaganda, and the desired result is achieved by the manipulators: impotent and dangerous hedonism.

It is urgent to press ahead with the optimism and solutions discussed by networks from around the world among participants at the April 25-26 Schiller Institute conference on “Mankind’s Existence Now Depends on the Establishment of a New Paradigm.”

Yesterday, the Non-Aligned Movement held a 40-nation summit, titled, “United Against COVID-19,” with many represented by their heads of state or government, including India’s Prime Minister Modi, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani. They pledged to set up a NAM Task Force to log member-states’ needs. Their final communiqué stated that, “in the face of this type of global emergency, the spirit of solidarity must be at the center of our efforts and a high level of ethical and humanist commitment is required, where solidarity and selfless cooperation prevail in order to provide the peoples in need with medicines, medical equipment and supplies, food, exchange of expertise and good practices.”

This is the spirit of alliance of mankind for the common good. Take part in that spirit in the Schiller Institute Saturday May 9 Conference “75th Anniversary of V-E Day: Commemorate the Victory Against Fascism with a New Bretton Woods System.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, in her prepared remarks submitted to an April 24 commemoration of American and Soviet forces meeting 75 years ago at the Elbe River:

“A new, strong handshake is needed between East and West to extinguish this life-threatening crisis today and get a solution on the way. The Schiller Institute has laid out an action plan based on the late economist Lyndon LaRouche’s proposal for a four powers meeting to reorganize the failed system. These are Russia, the United States, China and India…. the current circumstances might not look very favorable for achieving such a ‘new handshake’ between East and West. However, as the crisis will run deeper within the immediate future, changes and opportunities will occur.

“The victory over fascism 75 years ago, paid with the lives of so many brave people, can inspire us to take on this new, daunting task. Thank you and God bless.”

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