Russiagate Has Been Defeated. Don’t Allow ‛Chinagateʼ To Sabotage the New Paradigm

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks during the White House National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 7, 2020, in the Rose Garden of the White House. (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)

The revelations contained in the recently released transcripts of the Congressional hearings into the imagined collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump, and the claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 election by hacking and releasing Democratic Party emails, have fully confirmed what EIR has been documenting for the past three years–that the investigators, both in the Congress and in President Barack Obama’s intelligence community, knew, from the beginning, that they were participating in a Goebbels-style Big Lie. That this effort was orchestrated and directed by British MI6 Secret Intelligence Service has already been clearly documented.

But British intelligence is not giving up. Now it is China that the British are telling the Trump Administration they must confront and defeat, making up lies even more spectacular, and easily refuted, with the hope that repeating them often enough will succeed in causing a groundswell against Trump’s intention to establish new and friendly relations with both Russia and China–viewed as an existential threat by the British imperial Lords in keeping the world permanently divided, East and West, with the U.S. serving as the “dumb giant” in fighting British imperial wars.

The Schiller Institute has demonstrated, in two historic conferences over April 25-26 and on May 9, that the cooperation between the U.S., Russia and China, which was the crucial alliance (with others) which defeated fascism in Europe and Asia, can and must be restored to meet the equally existential threat to mankind today. The keynote speeches by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and the stirring presentations by leading representatives of Russia and China, as well as the focus on the urgent need to build a world health capacity to prevent an onrushing holocaust in Africa and Ibero-America, must be shared with men and women of good will in every part of the world, to provide hope and direction in winning this global fight.

Mrs. LaRouche has also held critical conference calls this weekend, first with over 80 youth from countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Mideast, addressing the critical role of youth in bringing about the new system from out of the current crisis. Second, she spoke with farmers from the U.S., Argentina and Germany, addressing the rapidly escalating food emergency, threatening, according to the director of the UN World Food Program, former South Carolina Republican Gov. David Beasley, the death by starvation of 300,000 people per day in the coming months, if emergency measures are not taken immediately, to stop the escalating bankruptcy of family farmers and the breakdown of the food supply chain internationally.

The question facing every human being at this moment of historic crisis was addressed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s in closing her keynote to the Schiller Institute May 9 conference to commemorate the 75th anniversary of V-E Day:

“So, there are very concrete steps we can take. They may sound impossible and utopian, but the big question is, is mankind fit to survive? Can we create a basis, an order of international relations among nations which guarantees the durable survivability of the human species? I would like to have that question answered in a positive way. So, if we think about the heroes of the World Wars, especially World War II, and what it meant to defeat National Socialism, then if these lives were not sacrificed in vain, we better come back to the Spirit of the Elbe and settle this question of cooperation among nations for good.”

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