Last night did not go that well as we saw constant pressure on the precious metals throughout the night: Constant, steady pressure to the downside. This is in light of “Rocket Man” comments, many Floridians still without power as 3

– Bitcoin price action shows cryptos vulnerable to commentary and government policies – Bitcoin falls to low of $2,980, down by $1,000 in week as China flexes muscles – Volatility major issue: In 3 days btc fell 40% before bouncing 25% off lows

Digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are here to stay, and there’s practically nothing that can be done to stop the revolution. Critics, governments, and traditional financial institutions have all tried to slow down the growth of digital currencies

The silver chart on the weekly has taken a page from the scariest of horror movies. We know what’s behind the door, and we know the fate it brings us: When silver finishes making a run on the weekly, bad

North Korea threatens to reduce the U.S. to ‘ashes and darkness’ Markets becoming used to ongoing provocations from North Korea Russia and China continue to support watered down versions of sanctions on Kim’s regime Both NATO and Russia running war

There are two parts to take into consideration on these sweeping changes. First, there was a request for feedback on their proposed changes to the LBMA. Secondly, NOBODY made ANY feedback, and so the proposal will launch as stated on

Dear Jamie Dimon: quick quiz: which words/phrases are associated with you and your employer, J.P. Morgan? Looting, pillage, rapacious, exploitive, only saved from collapse by massive intervention by the Federal Reserve, the source of rising wealth inequality, crony capitalism, privatized profits-socialized

Thank’s World Gold Council for the Tip: Follow @JenSaidIt ‘s journey on @yahoofinance as she invested in gold for the first time: — World Gold Council (@GOLDCOUNCIL) September 14, 2017 Here are some of the best parts: I

The rallying cry of Permanent Bulls is this time it’s different. That’s absolutely true, but it isn’t bullish–it’s terrifically, terribly bearish. Why is this time it’s differentbearish going forward? The basic answer is that nothing that is structurally broken has actually been fixed, and

Max and Stacy discuss India’s disastrous ‘demonetization’ programme which has resulted in the opposite of what Modi’s government claimed was their intention. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Michael Pento of on gold returning to a

Silver had strength to start the overnight session, and then again throughout the night: This is pretty much where we would want silver to be. All things considered, the strong-arming of the markets looks to be waning. There is, after

44% of US population affected by Equifax hack Hackers took names, birthdays and addresses, Social Security and driver’s license numbers Steve Mnuchin “concerned about the global financial system and keeping it safe,” Hacks is a reminder of the vulnerabilities created