Before Bitcoin became the newest trend for silicon valley bros, it was a tool for hackers and revolutionaries who wanted to undermine the banking system. In fact, this was the original vision of the cryptocurrency’s mysterious creator Satoshi Nakamoto, and the group of anarchist hackers called “cypherpunks” that developed the technology. It appears that this […]

Bitcoin, the original electronic peer-to-peer digital currency system, was created in 2009. Along with it came blockchain technology, which fintech firms have since started using for purposes outside of simply mining more currency, or rivaling bank payment systems. While bitcoin

Bitcoin, the original electronic peer-to-peer digital currency system, was created in 2009. Along with it came blockchain technology, which fintech firms have since started using for purposes outside of simply mining more currency, or rivaling bank payment systems. While bitcoin

Why is bitcoin considered such a big deal? Why has it grabbed so much mind-share, and why is it skyrocketing? And why is the cryptocurrency sector going bonkers? The short answer is that cryptocurrency is the first major innovation in money

One of the most durable claims of cryptocurrency skeptics is that “governments will ban bitcoin once it threatens their fiat currency or their control.” Ben Bernanke recently gave voice to this claim as if it was received wisdom. Sorry, crypto-skeptics: Japan

If you have heard about Bitcoin, you’ll most likely have heard about Blockchain technology. In fact, every investor or trader worthy of the name would have heard about Bitcoin and its underlying Blockchain technology. You can’t claim to be an