The Internet is a hive of activity for innovative ideas simply waiting to sprout. Without the Internet, there would be no online social media, no cryptocurrency trading, no online trading, and no blogs. Society as we know it would be

It is no longer news that some political events happening in Washington, Europe, and the rest of the global political landscape often has huge effects on the financial markets. Interestingly, the effects of politics on the financial markets tend to

We all know what a hyper-financialized economy looks like–we live in one:central banks create credit/money out of thin air and distribute it to the already-wealthy, who use the nearly free money to buy back corporate shares, enriching themselves while creating zero jobs.

There’s an entire sub-industry in journalism devoted to the idea that China is poised to replace the U.S. as the “global empire” / hegemon. This notion of global empire being something like a baton that gets passed from nation-state to nation-state

Counterfeit wine is a billion dollar market – approximately $3 billion per year says Maureen Downey, an expert on fake wine. One wine fraudster, Indonesian Rudy Kurniawan, is serving time for selling $500,000,000 worth of fake wine. Shanghai-based blockchain company

Is renewal / recovery from systemic decline possible? The history of the Roman Empire is a potentially insightful place to start looking for answers. As long-time readers know, I’ve been studying both the Western and Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empires over the