This Neofeudal structure is unstable by its very nature. I have often examined the Neofeudalist structure of the U.S. economic hierarchy, and the many social and financial fault lines running through this creaking structure. For example: America’s Nine Classes: The

This Neofeudal structure is unstable by its very nature. I have often examined the Neofeudalist structure of the U.S. economic hierarchy, and the many social and financial fault lines running through this creaking structure. For example: America’s Nine Classes: The

Bank Deposits No Longer Guaranteed By Austrian Government – Austria will remove state guarantee of bank deposits – Austrian deposit plan given go ahead by the EU – Banks to pay into a deposit insurance fund over 10 years –

Bank Deposits No Longer Guaranteed By Austrian Government – Austria will remove state guarantee of bank deposits – Austrian deposit plan given go ahead by the EU – Banks to pay into a deposit insurance fund over 10 years –

We raised our seed on @StartJOIN using @start_coin and #Bitcoin . Look out for us on @BankToTheFuture with @maxkeiser and @SimonDixonTwitt
— Bitcoin Capital (@BTC_Capital) April 9, 2015

The drug war is something that wouldn’t even exist in a rational, mature and intelligent civilization. Not only is it ineffective, invasive and brutish, but we now know that the almost religious zealousness with which it has been pursued by its

Corporate profits are back at the levels reached in 1990, 1999 and 2008 that presaged recessions and a sharp downturn in sales and employment. It really isn’t a surprise that corporate profits are falling: not only is the stronger U.S.