A senior judge has ruled that the spying arm of British Intelligence can spy on MPs and Lords contradicting the  recent statement by the Home Secretary. In overturning the ‘Wilson Doctrine’ judges said that there should be no special privilege for MPs and members of the House of Lords from GCHQ  surveillance. Read more: GCHQ can spy […]

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As time has passed and the years have gone by, it has become increasingly clear that the phone records collection program hasn’t stopped a single terror attack. In fact, a recently published report by the Justice Department’s inspector general admitted as much. This takes

As time has passed and the years have gone by, it has become increasingly clear that the phone records collection program hasn’t stopped a single terror attack. In fact, a recently published report by the Justice Department’s inspector general admitted as much. This takes

‘New Jersey Governor and likely 2016 Presidential candidate Chris Christie (R-NJ) is a vocal fan of the surveillance state, and on Monday, he expressed a need to invest even more in American “intelligence capabilities.” Christie’s […]

‘The private lives of Britons will be an open book to the state within 10 years, campaigners have warned, highlighting manifesto pledges from Labour and the Conservatives that promise more powers for spies. Both parties […]

The drug war is something that wouldn’t even exist in a rational, mature and intelligent civilization. Not only is it ineffective, invasive and brutish, but we now know that the almost religious zealousness with which it has been pursued by its

Although a sizable amount of people globally are now aware of the historic theft being perpetrated on them by the various oligarchies in control of their respective nation-states, the number of people cognizant and angry about it remains far too

‘Following the tragic events in Paris, David Cameron is meeting with security heads to potentially grant the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) even greater spying powers. In a disgusting (yet predictable) move by Cameron and fellow […]