With alternative industry talents changing the terrains of many industries, businesses are now looking for diverse employees to make their mark. To factor in that variety, many corporations are hiring freelance workers to add that touch of innovation to their

Top Airport Parking announced that it will be accepting Maxcoin for its Pittsburgh Airport Parking. Travelers simply visit their cyrptocurrency page on the site, reserve their parking space, and then make a Maxcoin transfer through Top Airport Parking’s cyrptocurrency payment

“Attention is a resource—a person has only so much of it,” as Matthew Crawford succinctly put the notion that human attention is a scarce commodity. Blockchain applications in this Attention Economy space have put such principles into action: Brave, Steemit

Pensions Timebomb – Pensions “Are Going To Be A National Crisis” – America’s underfunded pension system is “not a distant concern but a system already in crisis”… – Tax may explode as governments seek to bail out insolvent pension plans – Illinois, California,

Owing to their low transaction fees and high transactional speed, cryptocurrencies are finding many applications in various industries. Due to the mentioned factors, investing in the markets or cryptocurrency projects has become very easy and hassle free. This is exactly

Owing to their low transaction fees and high transactional speed, cryptocurrencies are finding many applications in various industries. Due to the mentioned factors, investing in the markets or cryptocurrency projects has become very easy and hassle free. This is exactly

Everyone who wants to reduce wealth and income inequality with more regulations and taxes is missing the key dynamic: central banks’ monopoly on creating and issuing money widens wealth inequality, as those with access to newly issued money can always outbid the

While the corporate media devotes itself to sports, entertainment, dining out and the latest political kerfuffle, America has become the Over-Criminalization Capital of the World. The proliferation of laws and administrative regulations, federal, state and local, that carry criminal penalties has

While the corporate media devotes itself to sports, entertainment, dining out and the latest political kerfuffle, America has become the Over-Criminalization Capital of the World. The proliferation of laws and administrative regulations, federal, state and local, that carry criminal penalties has

We discuss ‘Molar City,’ the Mexican town on the U.S. border where American ‘dental refugees’ arrive in the thousands for medical care because ‘drooling at the slot machine’ is the American Dream and that don’t pay the bills. In the