Whatever is free is squandered. When water is free, it’s freely wasted. When electricity is free, there’s no motivation to use it wisely. The same principle holds true for money. If money is free, or nearly free, there is no

Something BIG is Afoot in Shanghai.   The Chinese Have CHANGED THE GAME Suddenly.  The Jig Is Up. From the Chinese Reaction in the Gold Market, Expect the Path to the Global Currency RESET to be Entered HERE AND NOW WITH URGENCY:

– Gold Cup at Cheltenham – Most important event on horse racing calendar – Gold Cup trophy contains 10 ounces of gold – Today’s prize is worth over £9,000 in gold terms – £600 million bets on horses, 220,000 pints of Guinness will

If we had to summarize what’s happened in eight years of “recovery,” we could start with this: everyone’s been pushed into risky assets while being told risk has been transformed from something to avoid (by buying risk-off assets) to something

Following the recent Snapchat IPO having skyrocketed to a $32 billion market capitalization, technology investors worldwide have had their eyes opened wide to just how profitable mobile apps can be. Meanwhile, trends in blockchain technology have been innovating the way

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. . . . We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing. — Donald Trump, The America We Deserve (2000) The