If we had to summarize what’s happened in eight years of “recovery,” we could start with this: everyone’s been pushed into risky assets while being told risk has been transformed from something to avoid (by buying risk-off assets) to something

The unspoken claim of central bank policy is that risk can be extinguished by intervention/manipulation: once the Fed has your back, i.e. is supporting the market, risk disappears, and the easy profits flow to those who buy the dips with

Thank goodness everything’s been fixed. Now that the bigshots in the Eurozone have given Greece the Humphrey Bogart treatment– When you’re slapped, you’ll take it and like it, Bogart’s line as he bullied Peter Lorre in The Maltese Falcon–and a

Thank goodness everything’s been fixed. Now that the bigshots in the Eurozone have given Greece the Humphrey Bogart treatment– When you’re slapped, you’ll take it and like it, Bogart’s line as he bullied Peter Lorre in The Maltese Falcon–and a

In this article, renown financial system critic and best-selling author Nomi Prins identifies the 4 brewing risk factors that are swiftly propelling us into a new era of higher and more unpredictable price volatility in the financial markets. The relative stability

The central bank high is euphoric, the crash and burn equally epic. Just out of curiosity, I called up a few charts of key markets: stocks (the S&P 500), volatility (VIX), gold and the U.S. dollar (UUP, an exchange-traded fund

So by all means, buy the dip now that the VIX soared in full-blown panic from 12 to 17. One of the more remarkable features of the Bull market in stocks is the ascendancy of complacency and the banishing of

So by all means, buy the dip now that the VIX soared in full-blown panic from 12 to 17. One of the more remarkable features of the Bull market in stocks is the ascendancy of complacency and the banishing of