2016 has re-established Bitcoin’s status as a formidable digital innovation, capable of replacing traditional methods of payment. After being crippled by numerous controversies, the cryptocurrency has slowly gained traction with numerous applications. With the adoption of the currency on the

Bitcoin.org, a self-reported objective information site in the Bitcoin space, has warned that the Bitcoin Core wallet — the official wallet of Bitcoin — is ripe for an attack. “Bitcoin.org has reason to suspect that the binaries for the upcoming

Bitcoin.org, a self-reported objective information site in the Bitcoin space, has warned that the Bitcoin Core wallet — the official wallet of Bitcoin — is ripe for an attack. “Bitcoin.org has reason to suspect that the binaries for the upcoming

Zbigniew Brzezinski has written an article in The American Interest titled “Towards a Global Realignment” that has received a tremendous amount of attention on the internet, along with much gloating. Brzezinski is an architect of the world’s current military and

Longtime correspondent Michael M. recently recommended this long-form article  The Market For Lemons, The Market For Bullshit, And The Great Cascading Credence Crash Of 2016. The article discusses the soaring market for self-serving narratives, rigged statistics like the jobs report

The physical gold delivery failure to clients of Deutsche Bank who own Xetra-Gold, the gold exchange traded commodity, was confirmed yesterday by Deutsche Bourse who said that the inability to deliver gold was not limited to Deutsche Bank and that other German banks

Obama needs to ensure he gets well compensated after leaving office for a job well done protecting, defending and further enriching the global oligarch class. This is precisely why he’s so adamant about passing the TPP during the upcoming lame duck session of Congress, when he

Getting to know Bitcoin Given that Bitcoin is a relatively new asset, investors share uncertainty about its long-term viability. Like other currencies, Bitcoin is susceptible to fluctuations in price and value. However, the mechanisms that govern Bitcoin are radically different

One of my reading projects over the past year is to learn more about empires:how they are established, why they endure and why they crumble. To this end, I’ve recently read seven books on a wide variety of empires. The

We have recently written about how Angela Merkel in Germany has encouraged her citizens to begin stockpiling food and provisions to protect themselves in the event of an “attack”. Since, in the last week, the US State Department has issued

“Delivery of gold” has been refused by a popular German gold exchange traded commodity (ETC), Xetra-Gold, which is offered by Deutsche Bank, in the latest example of the risk of owning gold exchange traded commodities (ETCs), exchange traded funds (ETFs)

I don’t possess any more insight than you do regarding the medical condition of Hillary Clinton. However, what I do know is that given her age and health history asking questions about it is definitely not conspiracy theory. While hordes

Let’s start with the sobering reality that the Millennial generation faces economic challenges that are unique to this era: sky-high student loan debt, soaring costs for basics such as rent and healthcare, a stagnant neofeudal crony-cartel economy and an intellectually

What will be most interesting, will be market trading through Thursday. Precious metals are trying to put in an organic bottom and rally.  The dip buying proves this.  With signs that the physical market might be tightening and Indian buying about

Mark O’Byrne, Research Director of GoldCore, was interviewed by Max Keiser about the arrival of negative interest rates in Ireland and Germany, the risk of bail-ins, the return of a rental and property bubble in Dublin, the Irish and global debt bubble