Black Man Helped Beat White Woman, Engaged In Sexual Extortion, Then Got Her Fired from Her Job When Turned Down More evidence that white Americans are second class citizens The everyday realities of being a white person in the United States right now means that employers will side with criminals when their own employees are…

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‘Hidden epidemic’ after Covid-19: Scientists sound alarm as strokes, nerve damage reported even in mild and recovering cases 
The argument that we no longer have to worry about Covid becau…

What Is a Fatal Dose of Fentanyl? Paul Craig Roberts Here is a toxicology report on deaths from fentanyl overdose:  The report says: “Despite the ubiquitous presence of multiple drugs in these decedents, the effects of fentanyl were evidently so strong that there were no statistical differences in the fentanyl level (mean and standard…

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The Medical Examiner’s Report of George Floyd’s Death Paul Craig Roberts Once again, here is the link to the official medical examiner’s report of the autopsy which was released “with the consent and cooperation of Mr. George Floyd’s family and their legal representatives”— First notice the case title: CARDIOPULMONARY ARREST COMPLICATING LAW ENFORCEMENT SUBDUAL,…

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  George F. Will Disposes of Dumbshit Progressives Paul Craig Roberts The Best Thing George F. Will Has Ever Done Highly Recommended  We can add to Will’s list Greek, Roman, and other ancient artifacts from slave-owning societies in museums throughout the Western world. The Roman statues in the Met celebrate slave-holders and must be…


Remember “Herd Immunity”? A study in Spain indicated people’s immunity to coronavirus wanes after just a few weeks. The study found that 7% of participants who had antibodies in the first phase no longer showed them by the second phase, and that about 14% who had them in the first phase had lost them by…

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Brutal Black Gang Beatings of White Men, Women, and Children on Sharp Rise  Alex Jones has been demonized by the white liberal elites and driven off of social media and communication systems controlled by monopolies.  The reason for the attacks on Alex Jones is that his programs bring out disturbing facts that the media…

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ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK WHILE YOU CAN It is going to get worse I was born in New York, and I’ve never seen the city so scared and uninhabitable. I fear we’re on the brink of a second civil war. — Mitchell Feierstein Mitchell Feierstein is the CEO of Glacier Environmental Fund and author of…

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There Is No Second Autopsy of George Floyd’s Death Paul Craig Roberts I have searched the Internet and cannot find the alleged second autopsy—the so-called “independent autopsy” hired by “George Floyd’s family.”  I have no difficulty finding the official medical examiner’s report, but there is no sign of a second autopsy.  Those of you who…

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State Police Headquarters in Atlanta Ransacked by Black Lives Matter Black female mayor of Atlanta is unable to control the black violence. Georgia governor has to call in the National Guard.  If they are not armed and don’t have orders to shoot to kill, it is a meaningless exercise. The idiotic standdown by Democrat mayors…

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